

A BidOnMyTrip.com Membership is your ticket to the absolute lowest price and extra benefits on your future cruise, tour, or all-inclusive resort vacation. Joining the club makes you a part of a select community who can access hidden vacation rates.
It's easy. Simply select the specific vacation you are interested in. With your BidOnMyTrip.com Membership simply submit your request and receive competitive bids from travel agents within minutes.
How can these prices be real?
Have you noticed that online, nearly all online travel sites have the same rate? This is because the vacation operators have requirements that the available online price should not be lower than what is found on their website. As a result, almost everyone provides you the same deal. However, when you work directly with a travel agent, they are able to offer you private deals.
BidOnMyTrip.com is not a normal travel agency. Instead, it is a platform that allows travel agents from hundreds of different agencies to offer you a private deal. You can think of us as your partner in reaching hundreds of agencies with just one request. No more waisting hours searching online or calling multiple agents to get the best deal. Your BidOnMyTrip.com Membership does all of this for you and more .
What are private deals?
One of the travel industries hidden secrets is that the agents regularly receive “secret” or “unpublished” fares from their marketing partners called “quiet fares”. Private deals are when an agent gives you access to these offers which they cannot display online or in an ad to the common consumer.
To sell cabins, rooms, or tours, companies regularly discount their prices. But doing this publicly would upset all those travelers that have already booked their trips. Instead, these rates are only available to agents and cannot be listed online.
Not all agents have access to the same fares. In fact, agencies will often buy group space with an operator or commit to purchasing a large number of spots. When this happens, an agency owner may decide to offer a better rate to their customers in order to increase their business.
BUT, these rates can only be offered privately through your BidOnMyTrip.com Membership.